Wixoss Ceremony in Store Season.2 2023

Wixoss Ceremony in Store Season.2 2023

Wixoss Ceremony



WIXOSS Ceremony in store SEASON.2 2023 is a special event held exclusively at WIXOSS official tournament stores.
We have prepared a very special promo for you, so please enjoy the event and join this Ceremony event! The event will be held at each store on the following dates.

Event Detail

  • Swiss format (Based on the number of participants) and SINGLE ELIMINATION.
    Swiss Round’s tie breaker: At host store's discretion
  • Best of 1, 30 minutes for each round.

When times up
·Swiss Round : Both players lose the game.
·SINGLE ELIMINATION : Extend the game until the match is over.*
*Obligation to play the game at the appropriate pace.

  • Decklist submission: Required.
  • Deck Construction Rules: WIXOSS ENGLISH EDITION cards already released as of the event date, including promos.






Main Distributor for Europe

Website: www.gametrade.it
Email: info@gametrade.it


Sub Distributor for Spain

Website: https://www.facebook.com/blackpennygames
Email: sales@blackpennygames.com


Sub Distributor for Germany

Website: www.blackout-spiele.biz/  www.spielhouse.com
Email: info@blackout-spiele.de


Sub Distributor for France

Website: www.ynaris.com
Email: account@ynaris.com


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